The Touge-Otaku

Driven by the Love of the Drive

Tag Archives: mercedes


_DSC9173, originally uploaded by ducktail964.

…AMGs AND Estates need love too! And BBS wheels are ALWAYS nice.

5th Gear: E92 M3 vs C63 AMG

I couldnt think of anything to post today, so I thought I’d share a clip from Britain’s less known motoring show, Fifth Gear. I love watching Top Gear, but watching Tiff and Jason go at it on the track is hugely entertaining as well.
As for the cars, well I honestly couldnt tell you which I’d prefer, but if I HAD to, it’d be the M3.

Random Shot(s): Cool Lighting

Well, I always wanted to take pics on the rooftop of Safeway Kapahulu, and last night I finally got the chance to. The lighting up there is really unique, and I really like the effects. Anyway, here’s a couple pics!

More after the jump!

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Mercedes Benz SLS: Upside Down!

Now, I’m fairly certain that this video is just a glorified commercial, and the car going upside down is fake. Still, sitting through the video just to hear that glorious AMG 6.2 V8 revving makes it more then worth it. German muscle FTW!!
